Ladies and gents, I’d like you to get to know The Lines. They hail from Wolverhampton (those Premier League afficianados amongst us know that as home to a not so great football club), and are quickly becoming apples of mine eye. The Lines harness the raw danceability of the first Bloc Party record and mix it with the somewhat baggy-esque Northern sensibilities of The Music. It’s a pretty nifty little pairing, I must say. Read below for their SXSW plans.
Les Enfants Terribles: How are you getting to SXSW: plane, train, or automobile?
The Lines: We're getting to SXSW by plane, but it's a bit of an odd journey from the UK as we're going via Toronto for Canadian Music Week first.
LET: Inevitably, you will forget to pack:
TL: I'm not sure what we'll forget to pack, last time it was electricity socket adaptors, but you learn from your own mistakes so it won't be that this time!
LET: How many showcases/parties will you be playing?
TL: We're not entirely sure how many shows we're doing for SXSW, I know we've already got quite a few confirmed, but we're always the last to know these things!
LET: Band you're most looking forward to seeing at the festival?
TL: It's a bit shit but at these sorts of things we're usually so busy with our own stuff we don't really get to see many of the other bands. Chapel Club are playing though, so that'd be great if we get the chance to watch them.
LET: What's the first thing you plan on doing upon arrival in Austin?
TL: I think the first thing we'll be doing when we get to Texas is heading to venue as we've got a show booked for that evening. No rest for the wicked!
LET: What was the first festival you ever attended, either as a musician or member of the general public?
TL: I think the first festival we went to was the V Festival back in the UK as it's pretty much on our doorstep, and they always get the biggest names playing there like Kings of Leon, Oasis, Primal Scream, Ian Brown, etc.
LET: Favorite thing about festivals?
TL: I think the main thing anyone loves about festivals is just the atmosphere. Loads of people being brought together in the same place with the common goal of partying and having a good time! Bring it on!!
mp3: El Matador (The Lines - more here)
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