Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby suggest that the world we be a much better place if everyone was given copies of the music of Adam Arcuragi. Adam, along with his Lupine Chorale Society, makes music that will, in all likelihood, take your breath away. It's simple, it's beautiful, and it's unquestionably heartfelt. It's not bogged down with the burden of trying too hard, this music, instead it floats authentically along the waves of true Americana. I would, friends, make it a point to see Adam Arcuragi at SXSW. Below, Adam opines on Austin.
Les Enfants Terribles: How are you getting to SXSW: plane, train, or automobile?
Adam Arcuragi: We have recently acquired a lovely van. It's been years since I began looking and trying to find a van and we finally got one. Some of the New Yorkers will fly out, most of us are going to see the gorgeous Gulf Coast, good Mississippi bar-b-que and Avery Island.
LET: Inevitably, you will forget to pack:
AA: Well [knock on wood] we will continue to pack just right. We usually are able to get all the equipment, toothbrushes, snacks and a small library of gossip magazines and books no one actually reads because someone inevitably has a fancy phone.
LET: How many showcases/parties will you be playing?
AA: So far we have four or five things we're doing. But you know things tend to happen that you can't possibly anticipate. Last time we came to the festival I dropped my bassist's car keys into Lake Lady Bird and the fellow who helped me try to fish them out ended up letting us set up an impromptu show on one of the boats he worked on; so we did, with lights and the sounds of the city all around. Playing on the water is a treat.
LET: Band you're most looking forward to seeing at the festival?
AA: Vandaveer without a doubt and Some Community. Vandaveer is Mark Charles and Rose, they sound so sweet and austere without being precious and Some Community is my cousin from Brazil's band. Both acts are worth the trip alone.
LET: What's the first thing you plan on doing upon arrival in Austin?
AA: Hard to say. I mean we have to get everyone from the airport and drop off all our stuff at our base camp, find friends that have hotel rooms and swim in the Hilton saline pool...we'll be so hopped up on driving, a great show from the night before in Bryan, Texas and hot sauce from Avery Island it is hard to conjecture what our time will entail.
LET: What was the first festival you ever attended, either as a musician or member of the general public?
AA: Actually this festival is the first back in 2006 or 2007. It was a really great time. Gosh that seems like so long ago.
LET: Favorite thing about festivals:
AA: My favorite thing about this festival in particular is two-fold; the first is that it is in Austin. Austin, to me, is one of the best towns in America. Yes, you don't get the actual day-to-day Austin experience but it is this fantastic combination of Texas charm and cosmopolitan moxie. The second part is that it's like if you took all the jocks out of the hierarchy in high school and just let the different kids fill in the gaps. All the nerd, none of the rage. It's like a paradise where everyone really does know who Ride is and genuinely likes them.
mp3: People and Private Music (Daytrotter) (Adam Arcuragi from I Am Become Joy)
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