You see, The Dirty Lungs can make quite an unholy racket, a gritty blend of good old grimey garage, nouveau psych, and even some Stone Roses-esque, splendidly overindulgent instrumentation. It's sleazy, it's nasty, and mercy me it's fantastic. This is a band that abides by the "go big or go home" mentality, cranking out the walls of blistering, beautiful noise and swirling, hazy masses of sound like there's no tomorrow. And maybe there's not. So while there's still a today, might I suggest you spend some time making yourself acquainted with these fellows? You'll be ever so glad you did.
mp3: D.D. Reg Reg (The Dirty Lungs from Deregulate Your Heart)
mp3: Love is a Chore (The Dirty Lungs from The Robins EP)
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