For some reason, whenever I hear the name Golden Dogs, I think of Bowie’s “Diamond Dogs.” Totally irrational, perhaps, but I like to think there’s a smidge of Bowie to be found in the music of these feisty Toronto-ites. They get a little raw with their pop-laden rock, and yours truly sure does dig it. Below, check out what salty yet sweet lady mouthpiece Jessica Grassia has on her mind regarding all things SXSW.
Les Enfants Terribles: How are you getting to SXSW: plane, train, or automobile? Jessica Grassia: Taking the BIG BOY, the Betty White, the Vananarama (our white and gracefully rusted 1992 Dodge Ram van with 360 vision). Last time we went to SXSW it was almost the virgin voyage. Now she's a vet. Still purrin' like a bearcat.
LET: Inevitably, you will forget to pack:
JG: Swimsuit - never fails.
LET: How many showcases/parties will you be playing?
JG: So far, one party, one showcase.
LET: Band you're most looking forward to seeing at the festival?
JG: Spoon (always great) - Don't even need to check the schedule. Guaranteed they’re playing somewhere.
LET: What's the first thing you plan on doing upon arrival in Austin?
JG: Either Mexican & margaritas or BBQ and beer. First morning, breakfast burritos are a must. On tour, it's amazing how much you think about food. We'll also be staying with our good friend from Toronto who lives in Austin now, so the first thing we'll probably do is sit in his back yard drinking some bubbly water and NOT freezing. SXSW is such a nice escape from Canadian winters. It's hilarious seeing all the pasty white Canucks walking around with their shirt sleeves and pant legs rolled up....
LET: What was the first festival you ever attended, either as a musician or member of the general public?
JG: The first festival I can remember playing as a band was the Festival of Friends in Hamilton, ON. Sass Jordan was the headliner and it was the first and only show ever I played rhythm guitar - for some reason, that never happened again...I must have been way too good.
LET: Favorite thing about festivals?
JG: I love the way the vibe of festival completely takes over a city and gives it an identity. I only know Austin in SXSW circumstances, so my idea of Austin is this crazy, wild music-frenzied place where you can walk down the street and someone will hand you a pack of free cigarettes, then you walk into a bar and there's free drinks and a cool band you've never heard of playing while there's band vans driving up and down the streets blaring music and giving out flyers then you see Wayne Coyne and he's rolling down the street in a big bubble while you're following the pack to some Beastie Boys afterparty...everyday at SXSW is like that.
mp3: As Long As You Like (Golden Dogs from the forthcoming Coat of Arms)
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