I’d hazard a guess, given their lively, rollicking sound, that Little Red can probably show a gal a good time. The latest Down Under band to hit SXSW in an attempt to captivate the kids, Little Red’s easy to listen to rock-pop should prove easily digestable. Here’s what the band’s got planned for their time in Austin.
Les Enfants Terribles: How are you getting to SXSW: plane, train, or automobile?
Little Red: By plane from Australia, via to Papua New Guinea and New York - not the most direct way.
LET: Inevitably, you will forget to pack:
LR: Vegemite.
LET: How many showcases/parties will you be playing?
LR: We've got 6 shows in Austin - the Neon Gold party on Wed night at 8pm is the official one and then some other great parties too - 3pm Wed at Virgin House, 3pm Fri at Uncorked with Paper Garden records, Fri at 4.40pm at Maggie Mae's for Sonicbids, the NoiseRacket party is 12.30pm Sat at FADO's and then the Aussie BBQ at Maggie Mae's Sat at 2.55. Really looking forward to it!
LET: Band you're most looking forward to seeing at the festival?
LR: The Strokes, Black Lips and we're actually really looking forward to finding new bands we've either never seen before or maybe even never heard of. And Asian bands!
LET: What's the first thing you plan on doing upon arrival in Austin?
LR: Shooting guns and wearing cowboy hats.
LET: What was the first festival you ever attended, either as a musician or member of the general public?
LR: It was probably the Big Day Out in Melbourne but the first one we went to all together was The Falls Festival, we didn't have tickets but someone let us in and it was great.
LET: Favorite thing about festivals?
LR: Babes, money and VIP passes.
mp3: Forget About Your Man (Little Red from Midnight Remember)
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