What did I tell y'all about me and Alabama? Pretty much automatic love. Guess where Vulture Whale is from? Alabama's very own Steel City, Birmingham. Their music is sassy and snarky, and their proclivity towards singing in British accents is rather endearing. Below, drummer type Jake Waitzman brings the snark to SXSW.
Les Enfants Terribles: How are you getting to SXSW: plane, train, or automobile?
Jake Waitzman: Van. Affectionately known as "Vanessa."
LET: Inevitably, you will forget to pack:
JW: Enough bandanas. You really can't have enough of them around your neck and/or about the head and face. What else keeps the vocal cords at optimum temperature, says "you couldn't possibly fathom my level of cool," and has the word "band" already built-in? I challenge you.
LET: How many showcases/parties will you be playing?
JW: Official showcase plus 2 or 3 parties so far. "Showcases" and "parties" are such odd words. We prefer "hey look at me's" and "ass-slayings" respectively.
LET: Band you're most looking forward to seeing at the festival?
JW: That band with the two lanky dudes up front with perfect cheekbones, the hot chick on the side, and that stalwart, scruffy drummer.
LET: What's the first thing you plan on doing upon arrival in Austin?
JW: Ring up the capitol or the chamber of commerce to see about getting Austin's autograph. Since AT&T's 3G probably won't work, we'll just have to go around on foot, getting as many Austin locals' autographs as possible.
LET: What was the first festival you ever attended, either as a musician or member of the general public?
JW: Birmingham, AL used to have a music festival called City Stages which we all grew up attending and eventually playing. I think it failed because the first word rhymes with "shitty,” and that's what people started calling it almost immediately.
LET: Favorite thing about festivals?
JW: Waffle cone.
mp3: Tote It To Cleveland, AL (Vulture Whale from Vulture Whale)
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