Friday, February 25, 2011

So Long, And Thanks for all the Beats!

Well, children, following The White Stripes' lead, Meg and i have decided to part ways, the main difference being the lack of a low grade sex tape (at least, so far as i know). While Meg will continue to do her thing here at LET, i've opted to start a new site of my very own, Odd Bloggings. i've certainly had a blast regaling you with the latest in yesterday's dick and fart jokes. If you've had half as much fun as i have, well, i've had twice as much fun as you.

If you're missing your Free Music Fridays, Beat Meets, Nigerian speed rap and DJ tracks that skirt legality by heavily sampling kids' movies, well, swing on by. The water's fine, and all i ask is you leave your pants at the door when you come into the party.
mp3: Odd Bodkins (Acoustic Version) (James Thompson from the now defunct TOA Message Boards; good times, good times)

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