Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Megan's Top 70 of 2010: #27 - The Phantom Band

Why I Decree it to Be So:

And now, dear friends, we come to my favorite band in all of Scotland, The Phantom Band. As The Kinks would say, they're not like everybody else, and hallelujah for that. Second album The Wants sees the gents travel to all sorts of kooky sonic places, anchored all the while by the big, earthy brogue of Rick Anthony. It's not the record I envisioned The Phantom Band making, but strangely The Wants is even more than I could have hoped for. The Wants goes here, there, and everywhere, backwards and forwards, upside down, rightside up, and just about anywhere else. They defy space, time, and genre with their mindbending blend of rocking dancefloor folk confoundery, and in the process made one of the most interesting records of 2010 by 1000 light years, and then some.

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