i suppose The Babies would be the indie "super group" of the day, seeing as how its members also happen to be Vivian Girls frontwoman Cassie Ramone, Woods bassist Kevin Morby and Justin Sullivan, drummer for Brooklyn band Bossy. If the first single, "Meet Me in the City," is any indication, expect a lot of lo-fi indie rock. With lines like "I'm too young to feel like I do," apparently the tolls of their profession are causing deeper thoughts to arise. For the purposes of our discussion, however, we really just care that they rawk, correct? They do.
Philly may or may not make the world's best cheese steaks (personally, i dig White House Subs in AC, but that's another post entirely), but they certainly know how to make chill tunes. Which is somewhat surprising to someone who used to live about 35 minutes outside of that fair burg, who has seen Flyers fans try to beat up fathers with kids in opposing jerseys, snow balls thrown at Santa Claus during sporting events and more shenanigans than i care to mention. Maybe that's why the Powder Kegs chose the name they did, to throw off the trouble makers while they prefect their jazz-tinged mellow rock. Single "La Mariposa" is ideal for back porch sessions sipping drinks of an alcoholic nature and watching fireflies do their thing. Just don't talk shit about the Flyers to them, i guess.
If you're into early Funkadelic (for the old heads) or Sun Araw (for the noobs), Pocahaunted is the band for you. Combining freaked out guitars and tribal beats, if you need to soundtrack your next mushroom or peyote adventure, lead single "U.F.O." from Make It Real will certainly do you right. This is music to get naked to while you dance around a bonfire and paint yourself with mud. Remember, though, kids, friends don't let friends trip unsupervised. So do the right thing, offer to be the Dungeon Master for the evening whilst your chums trip balls and boobs, and then fuck with your charges unabashedly. It's the only way to fly, really.
Proving that bloggers clearly are the next wave of music distribution, Jus Like Music has hipped us to yet another dope single, "Deepest Cuba." Brassy horns and a latin beat will get your tail feathers shaking with this one. Taking inspiration from this latest strong release, LET will soon unleash its own series of inspirational hymns about masturbating potheads, all on kazoo, with ample wonkiness to keep your ass moving.
Eschewing traditional time signatures, Sarah Winters has my favorite piano tune of the day with "Not Mine." Utilizing an almost paranoid DJ spasticity in her music, think Tori Amos seemingly without the mondo weirdness. Of course, i don't know Ms. Winters, so maybe she likes to hang out with rats in her videos, too.
And to wrap things up, perennial LET favorite Alan Wilkis recently hit us up with his latest remix, this time for Phantogram's "Mouthful of Diamonds." As always, A Dub makes the song his own while leaving the heart and soul of the song fully intact. His added 80s synths and programmed drums are always welcome 'round these parts.
Now it's time for me to decide what to do with the fucking loved ones this weekend. And i'm gone.
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