Sadder still, when did the DJ officially die off as a necessary component to the "He's the DJ, I'm the Rapper" super combo? Sure, we all love Rakim, but, Lord Almighty, you are sorely missed, Eric B.
Lest I digress too far from whatever original point I was attempting to make, this year, along came the latest from Girl Talk, aka Pittsburgh's own Gregg Gillis. Now, I'll leave it up to you, gentle reader, as to whether or not Gillis more adequately belongs in the category of hip hop DJ or mash-up master, but I think it's pretty much inarguable that he's put out one damn fine mix this year.
Naming every group/artist he samples in the magnificent Feed the Animals would take more time and space than I'm willing to commit here, but some of the highlights include the J. Geils Band, Roy Orbison, Outkast, Toni Basil, Kayne, Radiohead and dozens upon dozens of others. For me, at least, it's the combination of old and acts side-by-side that really makes this thing pop.
The fact that Girl Talk offered the CD on a "pay-whatcha-like" basis certainly didn't hurt the equation one bit, either.
mp3: Set It Off (link expired)
mp3: Don't Stop (link expired)
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