But back to Score!. It's a gigantic package, put together in honor of the label's 20th birthday. What you get, for the price of $199, is 14 CDs of Merge songs curated by people like David Byrne, Amy Poehler, and Peter Buck, the Merge remix CD, the Merge covers CD (featuring Broken Social Scene, Death Cab for Cutie, and the National, among others), a 350 page book of every single solitary album cover ever released by Merge, a Scharpling and Wurster comedy CD, and future goodies in the form of exclusive subscriber songs. Not bad, eh?
But wait, there's more. The proceeds go to charity. Getting good shit and doing good things at the same time? How often does that happen?
The Merge Score! subscription is available until January 11th, so get cracking!
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