In my defense, this did only come out mid-December, but that's not a good enough excuse for not mentioning this rocker sooner. Spinnerette is the new project from former Distillers guitarist/vocalist Brody Dalle. In case you were worried Ms. Dalle lost any of her edge, rest assured, this one was made to punch you in the gut. The eponymous lead track has an ominous bass line, incendiary guitar work and Brody's throaty growl of a voice, so it has that going for it. That leaps into the equally propulsive "Valium Knights". "Distorting A Code" slows things down considerably, but give it until just after the halfway mark, when producer Alain Johannes' technical wizardry shines through brilliantly. Is that backward looping I hear? Me likey. "Closer Bury My Heart" comes as close to a ballad as I imagine Spinnerette is willing to get, but a syrupy love song it is not, that's for sure. Assuming this EP is just a taste of things to come, I'm looking very forward to the long player.
mp3: Ghetto Love
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