Honestly, though, i really don't see how any self-respecting allegedly DC-Centric music blog could NOT post this one.
The Finnish word 'valitskuoro' literally means a 'choir of complaints.' It's used to describe a lot of people complaining at once. The Finnish artists Tellervo Kalleinen and Oilver Kochta-Kalleinen decided to take this description literally and organize a chorus of people to sing their complaints. Beginning with the Helsinki Complaints Choir, these videos have hit the internet from all around the world: becoming an international, multi-lingual project with complaints choirs in every corner of the globe. Voices of Washington decided to do its own Washington DC complaints choir for its maiden voyage. Artistic Director Evan Tucker gathered hundreds of complaints about DC from his friends and made a song out of them: often taking their complaints word-for-word with all the vulgarity intact. The end result, we'll sure you agree, is a Complaints Choir unlike any other.
And then, out of the blue, i just found this puppy in my email box recently, too.
Seriously, people, keep your fucking pets out of my inbox. i mean, WTF?
And to keep the party rocking, this comes from the always entertaining Paul & The Patients' Song of the Week Project. Though ostensibly about "a hypothetical situation where a girl I like gets a job in D.C.," i still think he might be talking shit 'bout our fair burg. What, we can't have hot chicks you might or might not have a crush on living 'round these parts? 'Round these parts, we don't take too kindly to that kind of talk. i'm not saying, i'm just saying. You know what i'm saying?
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