MINI RECAP: The Appleseed Cast = Loudy loud loud! Overall score: B+.
Of all the shows I've been to thus far in this long and winding road I've decided to undertake, I've been the least acquainted with The Appleseed Cast. They're just one of those bands that flew well under my radar for whatever reason (perhaps my slight snobbery about bands that might be considered even slightly emo). Obviously, though, they haven't flown under lots of other radars. The DC9 show was sold out, which hasn't happened at a show I've been to there since the floor-wobblingly excellent Does It Offend You, Yeah? show many moons ago. All assembled seemed pretty pleased to be there, and there was a warm, cozy vibe in the place by the time I arrived (mere minutes before the band took the stage).
The Appleseed Cast joined the growing list of bands partaking in the trend of playing albums in their entirety at live shows. This tour, the Low Level Owl Tour, sees the band playing their super massive epic Low Level Owl 1 & 2 (hence the name on those pretty rad tees they had for sale). An ambitious undertaking for sure to try to work through 20+ songs each and every night of a tour! Right from the beginning of the set, I was pretty dang impressed. Their ambient, expansive noise appeals to my need for sheer size and scope of songs, and the accompanying visuals (shown on the club's TVs) of retro scenes and old photographs fit the overall feel of the set perfectly. Song after song was strong, textured, and definitely managed to hold my attention. It was the kind of show that could have lasted hours, maybe even days, and you'd never really be quite sure of just how long the band held you in their clutches. I found the somewhat dark undertones very appealing, and the way some songs came at you in waves of layer upon layer, much like the movement of a dark, stormy sea. Each song bled into the next, keeping a constancy in the set and serving as a way to keep us all reeled in. There was plenty to enjoy about the set, and not just about those hypnotic video images. The guitars were intricate and lively, and I was pretty impressed with each and every member of the band.
For being not really familiar with the band before the show, I was well and truly impressed with them, and a little surprised at how much I enjoyed myself.
mp3: Steps and Numbers (The Appleseed Cast from Low Level Owl vol. 1)
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