Now, i could ascribe last week's jump to the Oscillations piece, or perhaps the return of fan fave Free Music Friday. i'm guessing, however, that a bunch of you damn stoner kids found The Greatest 420 Mix You Will Ever Hear Today, Part the First and Part the Second. Can you believe it? Potheads, here in our midst. Cheeba monkeys hanging out with the likes of you and me. Bong boys and ganja girls doing Buddah knows what in the more poorly lit corners. Well, you know what i have to say to that? MY PEOPLE!!! How ya' been? Welcome home, dear friends.
And on that note, our first mixtape, Smokin Blunts Effectively, comes from appropriately acronymed SBE. Comprised of the dope duo (see how i did that?) Gainstaville and Killa Cali, you've got to give anyone props who can put together nearly 45 minutes of tracks devoted to the reefer. Perhaps surprisingly, perhaps not, the two actually manage to continuously spit new and different angles at the subject. Who says smoking herb makes one slow? Ass hats, that's who. Sure, you've probably got to be a fan of the subject in the first place, but assuming you are, you won't be bored, and you should be entertained. If nothing else, you'll learn about more strains of indica and sativa than you'll typically find at the Cannabis Cup. Which is nice.
mp3: Pass the Dutchie (SBE from Smokin Blunts Effectively)
mp3: Twist that Green (SBE from Smokin Blunts Effectively)
Secondly, but not secondary, you noobs will learn that i eschew hyperbole with the white hot intensity of a thousand joints. That said, i stumbled upon the single greatest DJ-tastic De La Soul mix of all times. So This is De La Heaven, Part One by DJ Platurn plays source material from some of your fave Soul track samples. And DJ Platurn obviously is no rookie on the wheels of steel, as he cuts things up like a stoned ninja*. My only "complaint" is that it's one continuous hour-long track, but that's just nitpicky, so i've got to give this one two thumbs up, four stars, ten out of ten, and a partridge in a pear tree.
mp3: So This is De La Heaven, Part One by DJ PlaturnDid i mention that i saw De La Soul at the 15th Annual Cannabis Cup? And thus, it all comes back to footwear.
*Ed note: And with that, i should be at the top of the google pages for "gratuitous marijuana references." Thanks for playing along, kids.
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