i don't write about his Royal Badness here that often, quite frankly because since he went batshit crazy and found Jehovah, his music has suffered tremendously. More importantly, he's got to be the most litigious little bugger out there in the industry today. Since we post a lot of mp3s here, i've stayed away from his material like the plague, even though there's nothing i'd like more than to expose you cats to some of his lesser known masterpieces. Screw "1999," until you've heard "Rock Hard in a Funky Place," just sit the fuck down, son.
All that being said, that purple freak got me through high school and college. My parents bought me tickets to the Purple Rain tour for my 9th birthday, having no idea whatsoever who he was or what they were about to introduce me to. Hell, the Lovesexy Tour remains the single greatest concert i've ever attended. With the exception of the Sign O' The Times Tour, i believe i've seen every U.S. tour he's done. And now, i'll be adding this one to the list.
Jealous? If you're not, you most certainly should be.
Oh, for those of you that want to check out the Welcome to America Tour yourself, here are the deets:
Izod Center: December 14, 15, 17
Madison Square Garden: December 18, 29
Go to Ticket Bastard to get charged outrageously, but, fuck it, it's Prince, so it's more than worth the price of admission.
As of this moment, i'll be at the shows on the 17th and 18th.
mp3: How Come You Don't Call Me Anymore? (Prince Cover) (Dump from That Skinny Motherfucker with the High Voice)