11. Autolux, Transit Transit--Sure, i would have liked to have heard this a few years ago, too, but that doesn't make it any less impressive.
mp3: Supertoys (Autolux from Transit Transit)
12. Baths, Cerulean--Yet another kick ass beat CD.
mp3: Lovely Bloodflow (Baths from Cerulean)
13. jj, Kills Mixtape--A free mixtape that stacks up with some of the best of the year. Take that, you RIAA motherfuckers.
mp3: KILL THEM (jj from Kills Mixtape)
mp3: NEW WORK (jj from Kills Mixtape)
mp3: HIGH END (jj from Kills Mixtape)
14. Liz Phair, Funstyle--Fuck you, Bitch Spork, this thing had plenty of moments.
mp3: Oh Bangladesh (Liz Phair from Funstyle)
15. Vampire Weekend, Contra--While my esteemed contemporary at Berkeley Place felt much differently, i thought this was a nice, light hearted pop affair that holds up after multiple listens. If nothing else, it shows how to use Autotune correctly.
mp3: Horchata (Vampire Weekend from Contra)
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