Most recently, he dropped One For All Without Hesitation, a bit of a departure from his more hip-hop oriented work. Comprised of material from as far back as 2006, Nobody compiled the final CD in a scant 17 days. Of particular interest, each and every track employs auto-tune. Now, as someone who grew up with Zapp in his life, i say if you're going to go the voice modulation route, go whole hog and fuck auto-tune. That being said, even though i knew this was an AT affair before i hit play for the first time, i could not skip one track on this puppy. In no small part thanks to Nobody's stellar production work, the entire piece works. Nobody uses the vocals more as an instrumental add-on as opposed to the more traditional sense, but the overall affect is far more soothing and inclusive than one might think. Very few people get AT right. Nobody does.
And if that weren't enough, he put together a kick-ass DJ set for Self-Titled's Needle Exchange that shows the master in his main arena, throwing treats like a deranged madman on an LSD-laced Halloween binge. You've got everything from dubstep drones to hip hop bangers, from Bomb Zombies to OFWGKTA. Nice, nice, nice. And that's all i have to say about that.
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