Now, some of you might go out this much all the time and think nothing of it, but for the rest of us, think of it thus: Over the course of ten months, I went out once every three nights on average. Yeah, it turned out to be a little crazy. But I tell you what, friends, I wouldn’t change a thing. I saw more ridiculously good live music than I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Of the shows I came and saw and reviewed, there wasn’t a bad one in the bunch. Not bad for 100 shows, eh?
So then I thought, well, now that it’s all done and dusted, I really should pick my favorite shows. The ladies and gentlemen will want to know. It was a torment to pick just ten from my hundred, but below are my most favorite shows of the entire project. They’re in no particular order, and stood out not necessarily as the best shows, but just the ones that I loved the most.
#56: A Place To Bury Strangers @ Rittenhouse Square (Philadelphia), 8/25/2010
#65: The Charlatans @ Black Cat, 9/9/2010
#88: The Dandy Warhols & Hopewell @ Ram’s Head Live (Baltimore), 11/9/2010
#13: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club @ 9:30 Club, 4/5/2010
#86: The Black Angels @ Theatre of Living Arts (Philadelphia), 11/6/2010
#32: The Brian Jonestown Massacre/The Young Sinclairs @ Theatre of Living Arts (Philadelphia), 6/8/2010
#71: James & Ed Harcourt @ 9:30 Club, 9/27/2010
#38: Ceremony @ U Street Music Hall, 6/17/2010
#84: The Phantom Band @ 9:30 Club, 11/1/2010
#79: Gary Numan @ Black Cat, 10/20/2010
I met some great people, saw a whole lot of great music, and have one heckadoo of a great time. In closing, I want to send out massive thanks to all the bands, PR folks, label folks, and management that have been so very open and supportive of this gargantuan little undertaking of mine. Y’all are the bestest, and I couldn’t have done it without you. Sloppy kisses to all, and to all a good night.
mp3: Telephone (live) (The Black Angels from Phosphene Dream)
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