i suppose today's post could have just as easily have been a "Beat Meet," "More Xmas Music" or even an "Otherwise Engaged" post, but you get all of 'em rolled up into one, big ball of aural goodness! You lucky, lucky, friggin' bastards.
If you're not going to be in NYC on Friday, but will be in DC, i highly recommend catching Liz Phair at the 9:30 Club or Gene Ween at the Black Cat on Friday night. i hate when there are a preponderance of excellent shows all happening at the same time, but what can you do? Me, i take drugs, but that's another story entirely.
Let's get into that tunage now, shall we?
Xmas tunes first...
The Pallers had this to say: "While working on our debut-album we decided to celebrate you all by recording this winter greeting.This is to say "We think about you, we will meet again, sometime after the snow is gone and the days are longer!" But for now we´d like to share with you this Christmas song, this warm caress with a promise, this Arctic Hymn." Sounds like a plan to me.
Yeah, yeah, sure, sure, but where's my Xmas beat, bitches? Keep your pants on, kid. We've got your back. Not sure if the second track is Xmas-specific, but it certainly is holiday oriented. And it has beat boxing, which makes everything, even anal probes, more enjoyable.
And now, for something completely the same, if we're discussing your normal Free Music Friday.
Korallreven puts together a nice and smooth beat for Victoria Bergsman to get her jam on to with this lush number.
If you feel your beat music could use a little funk, Georgia Anne Muldrow is a name you need to commit to memory. To make you want to buy her latest, VWETO, she's been gracious enough to offer up this beast of a groove. Me likey oh so much.
As the LA Series comes to a close for the year, they've decided to break my heart. This new, stuttering jam from TokiMONSTA makes me hate myself even more for missing her open for Bonobo a while back. God damn, this is a booty shaker!
MORE beat music? Hell, give 'em the knee shooters, i always say.
KRS-ONE is going to get posted here every opportunity that comes my way. That being said, is it just me or is old boy's voice starting to hit a wall on this one? Don't get me wrong, he's still one of the best in the game, but i think someone might have suggested a lozenge and a cup of tea to Kris before he picked up the mic this time.
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