In any event, the NME website has collected 50 Noel Gallagher quotes, along with some great photos, and made a wee feature out of it. The quotes themselves are, as always, priceless, though I certainly did get a kick out of seeing that 1996 photo of Noel hanging out with a peroxided Robbie Williams.
This quote selection, given the circumstances between the recent, and evidently final, Oasis split, seems rather apros pos, as it's Noel discussing the downside of his dear brother Liam:
"He's rude, arrogant, intimidating and lazy. He's the angriest man you'll ever meet. He's like a man with a fork in a world of soup."
And in honor of the split, here's some "Wonderwall" for your enjoyment.
mp3: Wonderwall (buy)
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