In anticipation of their forthcoming sophomore release due in March 2010, Revolutions Per Minute, the duo dropped The RE:Union mixtape scant days ago for all the good little indie boys and girls and hip-hop heads to enjoy. Compiled by Statik Selektah, the mixtape features some new goodies from the upcoming CD, old faves from debut Train of Thought, and a number of guest spots. Playing along we have Mos Def, Erykah Badu, Common, (vastly overrated) Jay Z, and Kool G. Rap, amongst others. (slight aside: whatever happened to DJ Polo? It does not pay to be an old skool DJ, i tell you what.) What i particularly like is their use of some classic beats for new rhymes (Is that a little of Run-DMC's "Sucka MCs" laid down on "Wishing on a Black Star?" Yes. Yes, it is.)
So while you're nursing the end of that NYE hangover and wondering what have we done for you lately, now you have an answer. We've been busy finding the finest free mp3s for our ever loving jackals.
So what, you ask? Sew buttons, i reply.
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