Today's a pretty good case in point, as we've got two kick ass producers (musicians? electro-instrumentalists? See what i mean?) with two totally different sounds. However, both use electronic equipment to create their own, unique instrumental sound (vocal samples notwithstanding, natch). This is why i could never understand how people could candy flip and listen to electro--all these damn sub-genres make my brain itch. But i digress...
As i mentioned to the artist, naming your band Ricky Eats Acid is one of those steps you can take to ensure a listen from Uncle Terrible here at LET. i'm immediately thinking "Better Off Dead" and LSD, two great tastes that taste great together. When the opening track, "Kiss," from his new EP, HUGS, kicks off with a sample of Audrey Hepburn from "Paris When It Sizzles," well, let's just say it was a done deal. Now, where i normally focus more on beat production and head nodders with a decidely stoney vibe, Ricky Eats Acid clearly is of a far more ambiant, chill bent. Makes me no nevermind, however, as it's still some phenomenal stuff.
mp3: Kiss (Ricky Eats Acid from HUGS)
mp3: WAVEs (Ricky Eats Acid from HUGS)
Today's second selection is a bit more of what you're probably used to 'round these parts. Renaissance man Samurai Buck also spends time playing in a psych rock outfit out of Denver and "teaching shitty 14 year olds guitar." When he's not doing that, however, he makes some damn fine head bobbers that remind me of Alex B. When somebody over at Brainfeeder or Jus Like Music snatches him up, you can say you found him here first at LET because, let's be honest, we're just that fucking cool. Trend setters, you might call us. That's right, i stiched the first pair of parachute pants back in the day, introduced tribal ink to hipsters and started both the goatee and bushy beard trends.
As always, you're welcome.
mp3: Flare/Mk.II (Samurai Buck from Plex)
mp3: Sunset (Samurai Buck from Plex)
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