Apropos of nothing beyond me having watched VH1's Behind the Music on Lil' Weezylast night, here's a sampler of Lil' Wayne tracks for your Saturday enjoyment. For a cat that doesn't write down any of his rhymes, he's surprisingly spry on the mic. i think my favorite part of the show, however, was his explaining about the two bullet fragments still in his chest following an accidental, self-inflicted gunshot wound at the age of 12. i'm paraphrasing here, but he used words to the effect of "I've still got two pieces of metal in my chest, too close to my heart for the doctor's to remove. It's cool, though, they ain't moving around or nothing. I mean, unless I get caught in an electro-magnetic field or something."
Les Enfants Terribles is a Washington, DC music blog. It's run by a music-loving lady who answers to Megan Terrible.
Please note, if you're looking for Terrible Chris, try his new joint.
Le Obligatory Disclaimer
Hear ye, hear ye.MP3s posted here are done so with permission wherever possible. If you like the bands you hear on this site, you should without question support them. Buy their music, go see them on tour, and/or buy their merch.
PLEASE NOTE: If you're a band and no longer want your music posted on this site, or a label that does not want a band's music posted herein, please write meganterrible@gmail.com, and the ship will be righted immediately, if not sooner.
Also note, LET is all about the musical lovin. Which means, only music I love will appear here. You've been warned.
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