Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's Covered--It's Only A Paper Moon

I swear to Dolemite, there was something else I was planning on writing about today, but for the life of me, I can't remember what it was. Probably had something to do with ninja bears, so I'm truly sorry for your collective loss, but sometimes, things happen.

As such, it's time for another fan fave, It's Covered. Today, we're going to tackle "It's Only a Paper Moon."

Way back in 1933, the team of Harold Arlen (writer) and E. Y. Harburg and Billy Rose (lyrics) penned the little ditty. Originally, it was intended for a soon-to-fail Broadway show by the name of The Great Magoo. While I'm not personally familiar with that one, I'm guessing it was the lack of a little blind dude that made the show sink. The tune didn't become famous, however, until it began to be covered by a series of popular artists, including Buddy Rich, Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald. Even today, love for the song seemingly hasn't diminished, as it's a regular for Fiona Apple. Speaking of which, we not only have a version for you with Fiona and her sister, Maude Maggart, but a second with Fiona, her longtime musical companion Jon Brion and John C. Reilly. Yes, THAT John Freaking C. Reilly! Gawd, I love indie musicians.

I'd be remiss if I didn't point out it also was a titular episode of Deep Space Nine, too. Much love to my geek peeps, yo.

Plus, the Muppets took a shot at it, too. Or, at least, tried to.

Class dismissed.

mp3: It's Only a Paper Moon (Miles Davis)

mp3: It's Only a Paper Moon (Buddy Rich)

mp3: It's Only a Paper Moon (Ella Fitzgerald)

mp3: It's Only a Paper Moon (Frank Sinatra)

mp3: It's Only a Paper Moon (Nat King Cole)

mp3: It's Only a Paper Moon (Maude Maggart and Fiona Apple)

mp3: It's Only a Paper Moon (Jon Brion, Fiona Apple and John C. Reilly)

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