Fuck that, you don't care, and i don't feel like explaining to those of you who weren't there anyway. It's already been proven that i'm the master at the old skool version of said mixtapes, and that's enough. Fortunately, though, today we have examples of both, so listen up and take notes. There will be a blue book quiz later.
Straight out of the OFWGKTA camp, Domo Genesis just dropped Rolling Papers. Featuring more incredible production by Tyler, the Creator (who, along with his co-conspirators from OFWGKTA, shares some guest rap duties), these kids are the next wave, i tell you what. This one is a slight departure from their usual, "don't call us horrorcore," violent fare by focusing far more on the most glorious of weeds, as the title suggests. Good call, that.
Remember when i posted that Andreya Triana mix the other day? Well, turns out the DJ in charge also records under the Bobby Quine Experiment moniker, and turns out some nice, chilled instrumentals in the process. His Lucid Dreams EP is "inspired by" the movie "Inception." Pretty decent flick, but this is a far less confusing way to spend your time.
The Morning Benders must be a lot older than i thought they were when i saw them open for the Black Keys a while back. Either that, or there must be some older siblings related to that band, as they've just dropped their second mixtape. No, not like their past covers album, but an honest-to-Dolemite, old skool, half-hour mix of what i'm guessing are some of lead singer Chris Chu's favorites these days, ranging from Nino Rota to Harry Nilsson, with a Paul McCartney cover by the MB themselves to keep things going. In Chu's words, "I think it's more of an Autumn mix this time." Regardless, it's a groover.
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